Today I’m going to talk to you about how I select the garment workshop to create our small works of Art. The truth is that it is not an easy task. There are a number of conditions to consider and also for me it is of vital importance that it is located in the Province of Barcelona.
For starters, in case you don’t know, the type of machinery required to make swimwear is totally specific for this type of clothing, so not all garment workshops are prepared to sew swimsuits. This is the first challenge to overcome. For this I do a search in several specific search engines for resources in the textile sector, such as one called and I make a list of possible workshops that may be prepared for the swimwear.
Likewise, it is not only the machinery, it must also be taken into account that the swimwear sews in a totally different way than the other types of non-elastic fabrics, (openwork fabrics), and that means that it is very important to know very well the type of garment, and how the fabric requires other type of manipulation.
In addition, super important, we do everything possible so that the workshops we work with are of socio-labor insertion. What does that mean? That the people who work in that workshop have been trained and prepared to develop that profession, and they have been given a job because for X reasons they were at risk of social exclusion.
So, I think it’s great that someone who would have trouble finding a job could be creating a collection that precisely takes these principles and values into account. And that is that in SWIM AGAINST® we are very clear that every human being has the right to have a decent salary in safe conditions and in a healthy environment.
This may seem very obvious but today the Textile Industry employs more than 60 million people worldwide according to the World Labor Organization, but most with precarious wages and conditions that are subhuman.
We all remember the Rana Plaza catastrophe in Bangladesh in 2013, where 1127 people died and wounded more than 2500, a very attractive country for the textile industry since the minimum wages were €30 per month and the working conditions were carried out without no security or control. Even today the workers of these countries continue to do manifestations to be able to raise the voice, since unfortunately the story continues.
These data are truly alarming and for SWIM AGAINST® it is of vital importance to make fashion ethical and responsible, so it is super important to know perfectly where, how and who make our clothes.
To date we have had two socio-labor insertion workshops. The first INSIEME, in Terrassa them made the first two collections, The Fukushima Collection and the Mar de Aral Collection. Unfortunately this year 2020 they have decided to close so I have had to start the workshop search and it was not easy at all …
Currently I am very happy because I have found another workshop that is in Barcelona city and We could make almost the entire new Fruity Explosion Capsule Collection. It is the workshop of making the Roure Foundation and also does training. I am delighted with them and they last for many years 😊
by: Amelia Serrano. 2020