We are excited about the upcoming arrival of spring, and today I will bring you a very special post. I’m going to tell you the story behind the names of our new Fruity Explosion collection. Surely some name will sound familiar to you, since all are in honor of contemporary young women activists.
For us it is very important that these personnalities exists, they are the living proof that an attitude or behavior, that creates social or political movements, is necessary in times of social, political, and environmental crises. These principles are linked to the values of our brand since at Swim Against we have always considered ourselves as Fashion Activist swimming against bad environmental practices.
In our first two collections, all the prints are real photos of environmental problems such as fracking, the Seseña tire fire, the Arctic thaw, etc. Thus using the body as an exhibition element. We have the latest sizes on the web so if the idea resonates and fascinates you, do not miss out on yours. 😊
Our 6 new garments honor these 6 young activist women. Find out which heroines have inspired us to name the Greta Swimsuit, the Emma Top, the Malala Bottom, the Maria Top Sport, the Amika Leggings and the Lily Bike Leggings.

Greta Thunberg Swedish climate activist. Born in 2003 in Stockholm, at the age of 16 she spent more than 7 months sitting every Friday in front of her country’s parliament, generating the #Fridaysforfuture movement. Where thousands of young people and schoolchildren seek politicians to commit to the fight against climate change.
Since December 2018, more than 20,000 students have held demonstrations in more than 270 cities in various countries around the world including the United States, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany.
In 2018, Greta made a speech at the United Nations Climate Summit (COP24) in Poland and in January 2019 she attended the annual assembly of the World Economic Forum in DAVOS, there she captured world attention with her speech “I am here to say that our house is on fire”.
To date, Greta has written 4 books, has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize and continues her unremitting struggle by all means. I leave you the link of his movement #Fridaysforfuture in case you want to investigate a little more.

Emma González US gun control activist. Born in 1999 in Florida, Emma in her senior year of high school, survived the Shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on February 14, 2018, where 17 students were killed and 17 others were injured. As a result of this tragedy, she was a co-founder of the gun control advocacy group #Neveragainmsd.
Her speech at a rally against gun violence went viral. After several appearances in the media in March 2018, she promoted the demonstration called La March for our Lives #marchofourlives which became one of the most attended protests in the history of the United States. With an estimated attendance of between 1.2 and 2 millions of people and has continued a movement to ensure that a tragedy like the one in Parkland never happens again.
I leave you here the link of Never Again.

Malala Yousafzai activist fighting for the schooling of Pakistani women. Born in 1997 in Mingora, Malala was already writing an anonymous blog for the BBC Urdu Service in 2012, describing her hopes and fears of being able to continue going to school, but at the same time, she did not hesitate to publicly express her opinion about women’s right to education and had appeared on a national television program where she spoke with courage on the matter.
Soon after, one day when Malala was leaving school, she was shot and wounded on the way home. The Taliban wanted to silence her voice. After several months in a coma and operations, Malala recovered. Malala celebrated her 16th birthday with a speech in front of an assembly of more than 400 young people from 100 countries at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
In less than a year Malala became such a worldwide phenomenon that in 2014 she became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
She currently resides in England and continues her fight, she has written several books that you can read to learn more about her. If you click here you can find her books.

María Laín activist of the Spanish climate crisis. Born in 1994 in Toledo, in 2019 she was one of the 500 young people selected to attend the UN Youth Climate Summit in New York. This was a historic event and a unique moment where young leaders of climate activism from around the world had the opportunity to establish a direct dialogue with the political leaders of the moment.
María was selected from more than 7000 young people, from 19 to 29 years old, who applied to participate in the summit. Since 2018 María has been a participant in Climate Action as a member of Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion.
In her efforts to raise awareness in society, she has written several articles in the media, participated in debates, appeared on radio programs and has given talks at colleges and universities. On her Instagram account she defines herself as a climate activist, philosopher and artist.

Amika George anti-poverty activist from the UK. Born in 1999 in London, one day she read an article about how poor women in England stopped going to school because of the stigma of menstruation.
At the age of 17, she started a popular petition, with more than 200 thousand signatures, directed to Westminster for the government to provide sanitary products to young women who needed it, thus facilitating staying in school after the arrival of menstruation.
She appeared in numerous media and in turn, while still in high school she founded #FreePeriods an organization that followed the struggle of her initial petition. In March 2019, the English government announced that secondary schools in England would receive funds to supply health products free of charge to young people without resources.
Amika was honored in Time magazine as one of the most influential young women of 2018. She has written a book “Make it happen” and has given speeches at TEDx talks. If you are interested in knowing more, I leave you the link of her organization free periods.

Lily Gardner climate activist from the United States. Born in 2003 in Kentuky, where she grew up observing generational poverty caused by the fossil fuel industry. She was one of the first Appalachian members of the #SunriseMovement. Young movement that demands political action on climate change.
In 2019 Lily, along with other students, stood in front of the office of Mich McConnell (United States Senator) in Washington, to claim before him, the “Green New Deal” in order to end the climate crisis and the inequality.
The idea is to make large investments and legislative changes to reduce the carbon footprint that we have on the planet, as well as create new job opportunities with decent wages for everyone and thus reduce the social gap. All this is framed in the context of a state where its governor does not recognize climate change.
You can watch her TEDx speech here. And the website of the “Sunrise Movement” by clicking on this sentence.
The stories of these great feats are inspirational for us. Each of them has fought for their values and have managed to raise their voice and generate a high impact social change. That is why our name designs are proudly bear inspired on their stories.
by: Amelia Serrano.